Hack The Box: Academy write-up
Academy was an easy-rated machine that starts with a parameter tampering that grants admin privileges in the web app. From there we get a new vhost where we find a Laravel APP key, which can be used to gain RCE. To get user we just need to do some enumeration and find a reused password. The way to root is not that direct, we first need to do a horizontal privilege escalation taking advantage of the fact that our current user is in the adm
group and can read logs. Finding a password in one of the logfiles leads to the other user, who can run Composer
as root (and easily escalate privileges).
Let’s start! The IP of the machine is
I start by enumerating open ports to discover the services running in the machine. As always, I’ll first add academy.htb
to my /etc/hosts
file, then fire up nmap:
Result of nmap scan
# Nmap 7.80 scan initiated Sat Dec 12 19:26:28 2020 as: nmap -sV -sC -oA nmap/initial academy.htb
Nmap scan report for academy.htb (
Host is up (0.018s latency).
Not shown: 998 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.1 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.4.41 ((Ubuntu))
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Hack The Box Academy
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
# Nmap done at Sat Dec 12 19:26:37 2020 -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 8.28 seconds
Not too much, just SSH and HTTP on the standard ports.
Port 80 enumeration
We can see some sort of HTB Academy website with courses.
Main website
There seems to be a login / register functionality, so I signed up for an account:
Registering a user
However, none of the details I entered are displayed, instead I get the account of a user named egre55
(creator of the box).
Logged in user view
After inspecting everything I couldn’t find anything interesting, so I fired up ffuf
and started directory bruteforcing. Noticing that the endpoints I had seen before all had .php
extensions I tried to enumerate more PHP files.
Directory bruteforce
Cool! Looks like admin.php
and config.php
could be interesting. I got my hopes up too much, as config.php
just returned a blank page and admin.php
was just a login page.
Admin login page
Registering an admin user
From here on it seemed clear, I had to find a way to escalate my normal user privileges to be an admin. I was a bit lost so I started monitoring requests with Burp to see how the registration flow was implemented. To my surprise there was a parameter, roleid
, set to 0
. I imagined that could indicate whether the user was an admin or not, so I changed it to 1
Creating an admin
Then I tried to log in to the admin panel I had seen earlier and could access it with this new account!
Admin panel
Stuff to point out from this page was:
- Two usernames:
. - A new virtual host:
Laravel RCE
I added the new vhost de-staging-01.academy.htb
to my hosts file and upon visting it I was greeted with a Laravel exception!
Website Laravel Exception
I dug through the Envirnoment & details
section and found the APP key.
Laravel APP key leak
Now, if you are not aware, the APP key can be used to gain RCE because of an insecure unserialize call:
This module exploits a vulnerability in the PHP Laravel Framework for versions 5.5.40, 5.6.x <= 5.6.29. Remote Command Execution is possible via a correctly formatted HTTP X-XSRF-TOKEN header, due to an insecure unserialize call of the decrypt method in Illuminate/Encryption/Encrypter.php. Authentication is not required, however exploitation requires knowledge of the Laravel APP_KEY. Similar vulnerabilities appear to exist within Laravel cookie tokens based on the code fix. In some cases the APP_KEY is leaked which allows for discovery and exploitation.
There is a Metasploit module that we can use to exploit this issue. One thing to take into account is that it needs the dev vhost in order to work.
Metasploit module
Then we just run it and get a shell as www-data
Shell as www-data
User Privileges
I started by enumerating the /var/www/html/htb-academy-dev-01/
directory that contained the code for the dev vhost.
Directory with code for dev vhost
Going over some files I found that .env
contained some interesting DB_
credentials: homestead:homestead
.env file credentials
I tried to use them to check the database contents but had no luck.
Trying to access the DB with the .env credentials
This was strange since the database was working when registering (otherwise we wouldn’t be able to create a new user). I knew there had to be some valid credentials lying around, so I kept on digging and found that on the academy
directory was the same file with different size.
/var/www/html directories
.env file on the academy directory
The credentials were different: dev:mySup3rP4s5w0rd!!
. Still I kept getting access denied!
Trying to access the DB with new credentials
Then, while going over the files I remembered about the config.php
file that I saw during my directory bruteforcing and decided to check it out.
Contents of config.php
Got it! Those were the credentials being used to connect to the database: root:GkEWXn4h34g8qx9fZ1
. I was finally able to access the database and take a look at what was in there.
Accessing the DB
users table contents
I was a bit let down, as the first few entries (which were the ones not created by other users trying to pwn the box) only had mySup3rP4s5w0rd!!
(md5 hash) and then test0
through to test2
At this point I wanted to check if the gathered credentials had been reused somewhere else.
CrackMapExec to get valid SSH credentials
We can log in as SSH with cry0l1t3:mySup3rP4s5w0rd!!
and read user.txt
Getting user
Root Privileges
Once logged in as cry0l1t3
I ran a common linux enumeration script, linpeas.sh. After a while it found something interesting, a su
call with a password!
Inspecting audit logs
Note that this is only possible because cry0l1t3
is in the adm
Group adm is used for system monitoring tasks. Members of this group can read many log files in /var/log, and can use xconsole.
Hex decoding 6D7262336E5F41634064336D79210A
to ascii gave me mrb3n_Ac@d3my!
, which I then tried with CrackMapExec against all users I had (for obvious reasons the user was mrb3n
New user credentials
From here on it was crystal clear, as always I checked sudo -l
and saw that mrb3n
can run Composer
as sudo. Following this post I was able to get root in no time.
Running Composer as sudo
This is quite simple, Composer
lets you define custom commands, so here we are defining a script with a single command, called x
. The docs have an example that’s really simple and may explain it better than me.
Once root I explored a bit and noticed an academy.txt
file under /root
Root directory
academy.txt contents
HackTheBox academy
Cool! Seems like we’ll get some HTB courses, they’ll definitely be worth taking a look at.
This is everything, I hope you enjoyed the writeup and learned something new. If you liked it you can give me respect on Hack The Box through the following link: https://www.hackthebox.eu/home/users/profile/31531. Until next time!
Diego Bernal Adelantado